Free access to our new exhibition space Platform

Behind the forth Platform exhibition are Artist Clara Busch and Curator Nanna Saplana. Open until 2 October.

Clara Busch draws squiggly lines across media, generations and materials and questions how our understanding of nature, body and objects change over time

In Clara Busch’s solo exhibition "Softness and Its Bodies", the exhibition space is coloured in light purple projections of a scrunchie covered in orchid buds, the artist’s grandmother’s crocheted napkin smeared with pollen, and a seashell with a tooth and lipstick. There are latex paintings where used textiles have left an imprint and acquired surfaces of sticky skin, and out of the wall grows a curled hair tie and convoluted, almost carnal drawings opens to inner dimensions.

Together, the works form a study of relationships between the body, intimacy, nature and everyday objects that carry memories and take part in our lives.

The exhibition – the fourth in a row under the title Platform – can be experienced from 20 August to 2 October.