Join finissage at Nikolaj Kunsthal

Come along when we invite you to finissage at Nikolaj Kunsthal on Thursday 25 July. We must say a proper farewell to our three current exhibitions - to make space for new exciting art experiences in autumn
Miriam Kongstad & Johan Bech Jespersen, Super High End Underground.
Brian Kure

Final sprint: See or revisit the group exhibition “Super High End Underground” which at the Lower Gallery zooms in on the inspirational intersection between art and fashion. Enter Rune Bering's exhibition “Bycatch” at the Upper Gallery. With the fishing industry as a critical analogy, the exhibition examines the cycle between destruction, death and rebirth. It is also possible to experience Paula Duvå - flanked by curator Mynte Corell - in our project space Platform. Here in the exhibition “Celestial Body”, the two of them investigate exchanges of power in the contrasting space of the sky.

The bar is open with favourable prices on sparkling Saluti Lambrusco and beer from Depanneur. On today's occasion, our oyster friend Jonas Harboe Frederiksen is establishing an interim Pink Oyster Bar outside at Nikolaj Plads, where the sun will hopefully show itself from its most generous side! You can pre-order your oysters here.

Free entry at 16:00-18:00. Everyone is welcome.

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All three exhibitions are on display until Sunday 28 May.