Join The Little Culture Night March 17 at Nikolaj Kunsthal

What would the colours red and blue sound like if they had a sound? Join us when sound artist and composer Signe Heinfelt invites the children inside the exhibition Interference, which deals with sensory communication of complex science.

What would the colours red and blue sound like if they had a sound? Join us when sound artist and composer Signe Heinfelt invites the children inside the exhibition Interference, which deals with sensory communication of complex science.

It will be possible to try your hand at composing the sound of an element and visit the interactive work Electromagnetic Spectrum, which conveys all the light that the human eye can see. The children get the opportunity to draw and make notes along the way – and together we put into words the possible sound of colours!

Only access to the event with the Kulturpass for Den Lille Kulturnat. This can be purchased at 

The Little Culture Night at Nikolaj Kunsthal

March 17

From 4-8 pm

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Mads Holm