Pink Oyster at Nikolaj Plads

Come and join us when chef Jonas Harboe Frederiksen unfolds his Pink Oyster passion. It starts on Thursday 6 June when Nikolaj Kunsthal creates an interim oyster bar at Nikolaj Plads
Aisha Irma

Jonas Harboe Frederiksen brings Danish invasive oysters, the species gigas, as well as a French oyster from the Normandy. It is possible to buy an additional drink – not least a rosehip petnat that makes a perfect match! It is also possible to buy oysters on the day. As long as stock is available.  

On the same occasion, a new exhibition by photographer Paula Duvå created in collaboration with curator Mynte Corell Nilsson will open at Nikolaj Kunsthal. Free admission.

Pre-book your oysters here. There are three pieces for DKK 120,-: 

1  x au naturel (naked oyster)
1 x pink (rosehip and rhubarb) 
1 x summer oysters (green and seasonal)

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