Platform * Gustav Hooge Poulsen x Frederik Rørmann Saxton
Behind this year's second Platform exhibition is Gustav Hooge Poulsen, who has created a series of sculptures and finger puppets that, arranged in tableaux, unfold a series of scenes. The different textures of the materials interact with the body to create narratives that reflect both the control of the hand and the resistance of the material. The exhibition, titled Like "Decorating a Christmas Tree", was created in collaboration with curator Frederik Rørmann Saxton.
Collapse and Rebuilding
The scenes are presented in the exhibition through photographs, where the perspective is locked in place, depriving the viewer of the opportunity to experience the depicted sculptures and instead leaving them with an imperfect presentation. The photographs simultaneously distort the motifs, causing the scene to dissolve and transforming the intimate into something more violent and surreal.
By allowing the works to exist at the intersection of photography, sculpture and performance, Gustav Hooge Poulsen explores how different disciplines can both enhance and counteract each other. It is in this tension that the finger puppets are captured, where stories both collapse and rebuild, as the photograph's compression of depth locks the motif and opens up space for new narratives to emerge.
The exhibition "Like Decorating a Christmas Tree" can be experienced from 4 April to 9 June . The opening party will be held on Thursday 3 April from 16:00 to 19:00. Free admission and free beer from Depanneur – first come, first served!