Mikkel Carl: Truth is like Poetry

At the end of May, artist Mikkel Carl will take over the Lower Gallery with his exhibition "Truth Is Like Poetry", a total installation where the architectural possibilities of the old church are brought into play

Mikkel Carl, who was educated from the Royal Danish Art Academy and has a BA in History of Ideas, is concerned with materiality, signs and scale.  


His artistic practise, which often has a phenomenological approach, takes its point of departure from the space in which he exhibits. He is interested in the interaction between context and object, and how is affects our bodily experience of space. This applies not least in the case of Nikolaj Kunsthal, which is also the story of a place that has both housed reformer and bishop Hans Tausen and works by the artistic avantgarde movement Fluxus.  

Illusionistic Mirror Disc

In the middle of the Lower Gallery – with 12 metres to the ceiling - Mikkel Carl will place a spectacular mirror disc. It is illusionistic in that acrylic mirror sheets have been scratched for the purpose and provided with fake greasy fingers. They are riveted and ’soldered’ together so that the construction looks confusingly like ravaged, chrome-plated steel. Things are not necessarily what they say they are. Therefore, everything may also be different.

Grand Opening: 25 May at 4-7 PM.

Where: Lower Gallery

When: 26 May – 30 July 2023


David Stjernholm
David Stjernholm

Kort om Mikkel Carl

Mikkel Carl (født 1976) har en MFA fra Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi og en BA i idéhistorie fra Aarhus Universitet. Han er prorektor og professor i billedkunst og udstillingspraksis på Det Fynske Kunstakademi.

Mikkel Carl har udstillet på en lang række kunstinstitutioner og gallerier rundt om omkring i verden, og hans installationer, skulpturelle værker og malerier er i samlingen på Arken, HEART, ARoS, Randers Kunstmuseum og Esbjerg Kunstmuseum. Læs mere på mikkelcarl.com og jacobbjorngallery.com

Lasse Rønne