A Cloud Is a Girl Is a Boy Is a Cat

The exhibition focuses on what is different, both in terms of mind and body, and manifests how to dissolve established norms in relation to identity and expand the field of 'normal'

The exhibition "A Cloud Is a Girl Is a Boy Is a Cat" consists of Kathrine Ærtebjerg's new surrealist works created from Ovartaci's existing oevre, which are on loan from the newly opened Museum Ovartaci in Aarhus, Denmark. The works create both a poetic and dramatic dialogue which unfolds in a total installation consisting of sound, objects and large canvases created by Ærtebjerg. Ovartaci is represented with, among other works, his puppet installations and paperworks of figures that dissolve the boundary between gender and animal and human. 

The exhibition "A Cloud Is a Girl Is a Boy Is a Cat" is an important contribution to this theme in establishing a meeting between two Danish artists in dialogue about the normal and the abnormal. Although Ærtebjerg and Ovartici are from different generations, they have many elements in common in terms of fluid boundaries between gender, body and the normative, which is highlighted in the exhibition. 

Save the date: Opening Party 29 August.

Where: Upper Gallery + Tower Gallery  
When: 30 August 2024 – 19 January 2025  

The exhibition "A Cloud Is a Girl Is a Boy Is a Cat" is supported by Københavns Kommune, Statens Kunstfond, LF Foghts fond, Beckett-Fonden, Augustinus Fonden og Statens Værksteder for Kunst.

Mads Holm
Léa Nielsen
Mads Holm
Les Kaner